I used Double Diamond Model because it emphasizes a user-centered approach, encourages exploration and ideation, provides structure and direction, and fosters collaboration and communication. By following the Double Diamond model, I could create more effective and innovative designs that meet the needs of users and stakeholders.
We found some solutions while potentially was beneficial to the business and users such as:
The value proposition of live English e-learning, is the ability to provide students with a high-quality education in a flexible and convenient format.
We prepared a competitive analysis to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the competitors and identify opportunities for our platform. We consider the following factors:
We conducted user interviews and stakeholder interview to gather some input on the live English learning program to collect user problems and behaviors through process.
Here are some questions we can ask users to gather their needs and goals:
Challenges that we found out from the 4 participants:
Our target audiences were non-native English speakers who are interested in improving their English language skills. This could include individuals from a variety of backgrounds, such as students, professionals, and immigrants.
The range of age for our target audience were broad. However, it would generally include individuals’ young teenagers, as they are more likely to have a need or desire to improve their English language skills. The range of age was from teenagers to retiree.
I made a persona for our project. I created this persona based on research and data about the behaviors, motivations, goals, and pain points of real users.
Fatma is a fictional character that represents a specific type of user. Fatma is a 25-year-old graduate student from Kuwait. She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Business Administration in the United States. She has a strong desire to improve her English language skills to excel in her academic program and increase her chances of finding a job in the United States after graduation.
Fatma, the online English Student.
Creating a user journey map helped us to identify areas for improvement in the user experience and create a more seamless and satisfying experience for our users. By understanding the user's perspective and journey, our team could design a website and a platform that better meet the needs and expectations of the target audience.
I created another persona in the case of a virtual English teacher, creating a persona helped me to highlight the unique challenges and opportunities of remote teaching and to showcase how technology can be utilized to create a positive and engaging learning experience for students.By using this persona, we could more easily imagine the user's experience and use that empathy to create more effective and user-centered solutions.
Eleanor Pena, the English teacher seeking a remote job, is hired as a virtual English teacher for an online school.
This site map was an important step in the planning and design process of a website. It helped us ensure that the website has a clear and organized structure, and that all the content is easily accessible to the team.
We implemented some general guidelines for colour choice in UI design include:
Some colors that are commonly used in our websites and the platform include:
Orange is often used Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons because it is eye-catching, energetic, and creates a sense of urgency.
It stands out from other colours and draws the user's attention to the button, making it more likely that they will take the desired action.
The main purpose of wireframing that we created was to communicate the design idea, the layout and the information hierarchy to the stakeholder, our developer. It helped to define the structure, hierarchy and organization of the content, and to test and refine the design concepts before investing time and resources in more detailed design work.
We concluded that the product card is the first point of conversion. Users prefer to see the class information.We created these card with micro interaction in Figma to provide guidance and make the interface more visually engaging.
I created new product cards and provided enough information to pique the user’s interest so they will click and flip the card for more details.
Plenty of animations and interaction components helped us to have a fun and intuitive design.
We tried to design a fun and memorable platform in such a way as to make it easy, efficient, and enjoyable to use.
We focused on:
Below is just one page (Courses) of our platform:
We designed a collection elements and components, such as buttons, icons, and typography. This UI kit helped us in:
Animation in UI design simply add a touch of delight to the overall design, so I implemented bouncy and natural movements that support user experience in the landing page include button hover effects, flip animations, and loading indicators.
I ensured that the animations do not distract users or slow down page performance. I created lightweight animation components by carefully considering the timing and duration of each animation.
Our team has been listening to feedback from teachers, and we provided a new switch that lets them send homework and course material with ease. With this feature, teachers can save time and stay organized while delivering top-quality education to their students.
To improve the functionality and usability of messaging part, we added icons that give users more options to select. This feature makes our product more versatile, intuitive, and user-friendly.
We made the decision to allow users to access information on completed and in-progress courses because we want to provide a comprehensive view of their learning journey. This feature enables users to easily access all of the course materials they have completed, as well as the materials they are currently working on.
On the positive side, users appreciated the website and the platform's interactive and engaging learning activities, such as gamification in user interfaces. They also found the web's overall design and layout to be visually appealing and easy on the eyes.
I used gamification and motivators to increase user engagement and drive desired behaviors.
Our usability test for the English learning platform was successful, with users finding the platform easy to navigate and use.
However, there were some areas where improvements could be made to enhance the user experience.
I prepared hand-ff design for transferring my design from the design team to the development team.
My hand-off design process was creating design assets such as wireframes, mockups, and prototypes, and documenting design guidelines and specifications. The goal of hand-off design is to ensure that there is clear communication and collaboration between the design and development teams.
This can helped me to minimize errors and inconsistencies, and ensure that the product is delivered on time and within budget.
Our clear documentation and guidelines helped us to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the hand-off process goes smoothly.
During our UX design project, there were several challenges that me and my team faced when working with developers. Some of the common ones include:
To mitigate these challenges, it was important to have clear and open communication between our team and the developer, established project goals and timelines, and set up a workflow that accommodates the different skill sets and perspectives of both teams.
The takeaways from this entire project were:
Continuously monitor and improve the e-learning platform based on user feedback, analytics, and industry best practices. Regularly update content and features to keep users engaged and motivated.