Olives On Tap

UI/UX Design, UX Research

Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oils & Artisan Balsamic Vinegar


Olives On Tap is purveyor of premium extra virgin oils and vinegars based on North Shore, Canada. They provide a space where customers can take the time to taste, smell and experience each oil and vinegar before purchase.
UI/UX Design
Olives On Tap
Project Type
UI/UX Design, UX Research
1 month
Project Year

Design Process

Understanding the problem

Olives On Tap website design has been executed poorly. It was outdated and hard to navigate. The wordpress website was migrated to a new hosting and the website had some missing images that are linked on products pages after repairing database.

Production Solution

We found some solution while potentially was beneficial to the business and we generated ideas to solve clearly defined design problems with our team and we determined this website should:

  • Update the visual UI of the site to be more modern
  • Improve the usability of the site from the customer’s perspective
  • Add easy check out and clear steps for placing an order online
  • Have memorable interaction design to keep customers engaged

Design Phases and Descriptions

Value proposition

  • High quality Extra Virgin Olive oils & Balsamic Vinegar
  • Providing a space where customers can taste olive oils before purchasing
  • Sustainable packaging
  • Ethically made the ingredients of their products

The Discovery Phase

We started by heuristic evaluation method and discovered the most principles were not followed. Here are the main problems:

  1. No shopping cart on global navigation
  2. No user account on global navigation
  3. Same content in Blog and Recipes section
  4. Missing images in product pages
  5. Different texts on each card CTA
  6. The product cards did not have same height (No Auto layout)

User Research

We conducted user interviews with our target audiences which were most aged 45 and up to collect user problems and behaviors while online shopping. By asking open-ended questions with interviewees. The results are:

  • They care about their lifestyle and using antioxidants and heart-healthy fats
  • Unorganized info stop them from purchasing online in Olives On Tap website

We started our user research by creating a survey to explore customer interest in Olive oils and Balsamic Vinegar. We were lucky to have 72 correspondents. One question helped us to collect adequate info about the products and our design;

What information would you like to see on the website?

  • Nutrition facts of infused olive oils
  • Texture of oils and vinegar
  • Flavor of infused olive oils and vinegar
  • Shipping / delivery / pickup at store information
  • Product bottle dimensions
  • Ideas for use olive oil and balsamic vinegar
  • Pair guide olive oils
  • Recommended recipes


I made a persona for the Olives On Tap customers since there was a lot of overlap between their needs & pain points.


Based on the card sorting and IA, we created the following sitemap however the card sorting did not help us because of unorganized grouping:

  • Separating oil & vinegar pages and prioritizing them in the first and second section
  • Placing principally content where users would easily find it
  • Visualizing the site structure to create layout and page hierarchy
  • Helping our team to simplify, trimming off unnecessary pages like blog and recipes

Mood board and Color Palette

I collected pieces of inspiration images to include in my mood board, which would capture the tone, and image that I’d seek to convey towards the users. The major theme of the color palette was inspired by olive color for olive oils and light purple for balsamic vinegar. With these principles, I chose dark background as my main UI inspiration.


We concluded that the product card is the first point of conversion. Users prefer to see the texture and flavor of oils and vinegar. I created new product cards and provided enough information to pique the user’s interest so they will click for more details.

Product Cards

Plenty of high quality images and interaction components helped us to have a fun and intuitive design.

Landing Page


Motion plays a crucial role in giving visual feedback to users’ interactions. I concentrated on every detail including animated images on the landing page so users will interact with it.

Tasting Events

Animation Design

Fix and Iteration

We fixed parts of our design based on users feedback. We iterated our design to make a great experience for Olives On Tap users.

Product sizes and prices

We placed the price and size in one button to make it easy for users to find the product size and its price in a moment.

Selecting Product Size

Providing shipping/pickup at store info through checkout process

According to the user feedback, we figured out they need to see shipping information during the checkout process. So we prepared this section in contact information to choose the shipping method.

Selecting shipping method

Final User testing

Our team conducted 2 rounds of moderated usability tests. Each round consisted of 4 users ranging in ages 60 - 75.

Round 1: We asked users to find an infused olive oil (Italian Lemon flavor) from our prototype that most users did the task under 30 seconds.

Round 2: Same task but this time on Olives On Tap website, the users spent more than 2 minutes to find an Italian lemon infused olive oil.


We did accomplish our goals of the project but we had some constrains such as:

  • Lack of time
  • Lack of budget

The greatest challenge was designing in a short time, making decisions for finding the best solution and prioritizing our tasks.

The takeaway from this entire project was understanding the time management. Stakeholder asked us to do the project in limited time. There were a lot of changes we had to do for redesigning their website. We got it done by:

  • Effective teamwork
  • Block out distractions
  • Scheduling

I created these user interaction design for the Landing page to empower our users to Interact with the products but unfortunately our web developer could not implement this design. Their constraints, such as limited time and budget, restricted him ot develop my desing.

Hero image in landing page

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